Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Farewell to the Wealthiest Hero in Recent History!

Ladies and Lords, heroes of all stripes, a momentous occasion has come and passed. The dragonling tycoon named Mr. Moneybags (played by Tanner McCormack) has retired from adventuring.

Last week, speaking at the bazaar from his flying fortress, Mr. Moneybags gave his farewells to those heroic companions and villains that he's met over the years, and then was whisked away on the back of a unicorn to the Hall of Heroes for retirement. He will be missed!

Now, for your amusement, some of the things on his character sheet:

  • Description & Character Notes: Super Rich
  • Lore Specialties: Essences, Essence Reactions, and Electrolysis
  • Light: 16. Shadow: 0. 
  • Item of Note: Magical popsicle sword, flavor depends upon color of Swasher used.
  • Accomplishments: Owns a floating island city, 500' x 500' x 20' stone platform and is helped by a geomantic archdeva and eight permanent Timestop spells. It is located 700 miles west of Solaria above the Mountains of Dusk. It is an independent nation with a part of it dedicated to the College of All Magic and run by an A.I. (artificial intelligence). 
  • Spouse: Jessica, who is herself a fusion of five essence blades. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Interview with a Quester: Johnny Williams, Brandon Gill, and the Winners of the Tournament!

with a Quester

Today's Interviewees: Johnny Williams and Brandon Gill

In this edition of Interview with a Quester, Johnny talks about a thieving pet merchant at the bazaar, and Brandon tells tale of a medusa scorpion battle! Also shown are the victory words from the winning group at the tournament.

Friday, June 12, 2015

The First Tournament of the Season!

Four mercenary groups competed against one another in a grand tournament of combat and creative challenges.

  • The Legend: They were dominating the arena game of categories and started with an early lead taking control of the three towers.
  • Ice Dragons: They began at Ogre Rocks and due to a series of shifts in Quest Leaders, had a tough time. However, they had a healer and an archer in the group, which made quite a difference.
  • Mercenaries of Krov: They staked claim to the Fairy Circle and fought any group that came their way. Other mercenary groups were able to take members from the Krov for their own team.
  • Silent Blades: Ultimately the winners of the tournament, they beat the other teams in a final battle!

The charge begins. Two brave warriors brace for the battle!

Wait a minute! Let's be nice to them.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Smuggling the Elixir of Raven Queen

The Story of the Raven Queen

The Raven Queen is a giant raven with magical powers. In an agreement with Captain Crow, a shadowy pirate leader of legendary reputation, she guided pirates to an island that would help with shapeshifting magic. It was a trap forged by Captain Crow and his sea witch, and the Raven Queen was trapped on the island. With her magical presence infusing the island, the pirates under Crow's charge could illegally harvest and smuggle cheap ingredients for shapeshifting potions.

Over the years, it became known as "Trap Island" because Crow and his crew built traps to make sure no one discovered the Raven Queen. Should one of his crew need punishment, they would need to spend a week on Trap Island, knowing that it often meant death.
The skirmishers discuss tactics of sneaking aboard a pirate ship
On October 25, Quest Leaders Eric and Aaron decided to unveil this storyline for the brave adventurers at the Ken Caryl Sword Skirmish event. (For more pictures, visit our facebook page.)

The participants were given a mission by the Marinus Privateer League to find what kind of cargo the a suspicious ship was carrying. The skirmishers stowed away onto the ship and soon discovered were-beasts, shapeshifting potions, and a rowdy group of pirates. They eventually got caught, and as punishment, they were marooned on Trap Island.

The group bested the island's obstacles, challenges of balance, teamwork, and puzzle solving - all the while keeping one step ahead of a magical sandstorm that could shred the flesh from anyone caught within. At the center of the island, they met and befriended the Raven Queen. With the help of her murder of ravens, the skirmishers returned to the pirate ship, disarmed the crew, and sailed the newly freed Raven Queen back to the port.

Thanks to the brave and valiant efforts of the skirmishers at Sword Skirmish Club, the Raven Queen transformed back into her true form - a giant raven. With her murder of dire ravens, she began her flight home into the Mountains of Dusk.

Be on the lookout for new reports of the Raven Queen in upcoming quests... Will her gratitude toward the skirmishers mean that she will focus her magic to help Thael, or will her vengeance be upon humanity for capturing her?

Friday, August 29, 2014

What bazaar pictures these are!

Yes, our Friday Bazaar days are always a spectacle. Some would say they're pretty bizarre. Can you spot: a llama, a jester, a medieval tent, and a wolf on the ground? Here are some of the best pictures from August's bazaars.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Pictures of the Bazaar! Plus: Chris Smith cameo!

And here is a post of pictures, pictures, and pictures. Feel free to comment if you see yourself and would like to explain what's going on in the picture.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Why Power Questers Should Be Outlawed, Reason #131313

Donovan (left) and Molly Fagan. Dono: "Aren't the Mercenaries of Krov supposed to be intimidating?!"
While investigating the damages from last week, the adventurers found a “mystical portal-rift-of-destruction-thingy.” Deciding that this might be something far beyond their power and help, they decided to take advice from Gary, a strange eccentric man with some kind of reflective greyish hat. Hearing his strange theories about some “new world order,” the adventurers went to investigate someone they had suspicions about who may-or-may-not have been involved with this “new world order.” This man was none other than Baron Ashcroft, one of King Pellinore's distant relative!

As the Baron listened to the Power Questers and their assumptions, he waved them away and pleaded innocence.

“I am not associated with this order of which you speak, but you are delaying my dinner!” However, the Baron, being oh-so-very-polite, did inform them about a Howler named Shiro, who was described only as “faceless. No, not like a shapeshifter, or wearing a mask. The OTHER kind of faceless.” Finding no leads besides this name, the seven adventurers searched the local library, just a few miles away from the Baron's marvelous estate. Sadly, the librarian had never heard of such a man, and was frankly disgusted by the description. As the conversation ended, a caravan of four Adamantium Guard parked outside the library. Before they could reach the door, an unseen archer took down the lead Guard as his accomplices were revealed to be hired Krov Mercenaries! After a small battle, the Krov were captured and held for questioning about this “Shiro” person. They only gave the questers one hint: a secret meeting in the Central Graveyard of Solaris, where the ancient Costello and Bartholomew families were buried.

Within the Bartholomew mausoleum, a chained up vampire was resting within his sealed coffin. From what he could hear outside, the vampire claimed to have heard about a meeting within the crematorium just on the outskirts of the Central Graveyard. Not wanting to be seen or heard, the questers set up an ambush, and disguised themselves as one of the Krov. As always with these power questers, one small mistake lead to their spotting! The crematorium's flames roared and bellowed around them as swords and sorcery flew about the room! The Krov at this meeting held no information about Shiro's current location, but he reported seeing a man in a tunic quickly move between the tombstones on the northeast side. At last, a valuable clue! The tunic had snagged slightly on one tombstone, leaving a square of cloth from Tsaidam, the capital city of The Empire of the Seven Stars.

Getting in to Tsaidam was easy. Getting out, not so much. While in Tsaidam, the seven questers investigated a local sushi shop that was ran by a family where each member was missing a pinky finger. Suspicious! Behind the counter was a trap door, leading into a dark hallway that several Krov were guarding. As the questers moved through various traps, an eruption of pure magic occurred in the hallway in front of them, creating a hole straight to the surface! Tragically, this was right below a popular local tea house. Seeing this explosion, a nearby disguised Krov dropped his jaw and threw his hands straight up and walked away. “I quit. I'm out.” Hearing the name Shiro, this Krov pointed a finger towards the Summerlands and kept walking.

Ladies and gentlemen, as I am not an elf, I was not allowed to follow the Power Questers inside, although from the sound of things, they are very close to catching this mysterious, faceless Howler
named Shiro! I hope all goes well for these brave adventurers.

Tune in next week for “Why Power Questers Should Be Outlawed, Reason #131314!”