The Empire of the Seven Stars has declared war on the Kingdom of Dawn! During the Bazaar last week, which was held in Lorrance, ninjas from the Empire attacked. They killed everyone who got in their way, not caring who they were harming. But the adventurers at the Bazaar rallied together, and began to drive them away. As the last four ninjas were cornered by over thirty fighters, they announced that this was no isolated attack. They were, in effect, a strike force sent from the Empire. Though they failed to take over any land, they accomplished their purpose: declare war. Empress Lin Chu Hao could not be reached for comment, but it is certain that she will press her advantage while she has it. This unexpected attack left the other nations stunned and unprepared. The Kingdom of Dawn is sending troops to reinforce the border, but with the Adamantium Guard fragmented such efforts are unlikely to be totally effective. The Summerlands may come to King Pelinor’s aid, but Lady Ellinore has not as of yet marshaled any significant number of troops. The White Wolf Nations and the Clans are scrambling to figure out what the best response is, as well. Though they are not in any direct danger from the Empire, if Imperial forces roll through the Kingdom of Dawn, they could easily continue north. Empress Lin Chu Hao seems well on her way to making herself an Empire the likes of which have not been seen since Islantia. Her previous strikes at Cattonia and the Pirate Isles were nothing compared to this.
Walkers from the North Defeated
Sometimes, adventurers can do some crazy things in pursuit of their goals. Last week, they mobilized an army comprised of troops from almost every nation in Orania to stop the Walkers, horrors from the northern wastes. First, they went into the future, to Broken Orania, to recover the shadowy phoenix blade, which had been dropped into a volcano. They also brought it out of the volcano in the present, so that they had two blades. They asked the dragon Goldheart to purify the blades, as well as the cloaks that they found, so as to remove the shadow taint. He was able to cleanse one of the blades, and used the tip of one of the unicorn spears to cleanse one of the cloaks. But while he was attempting to purify the second blade, Thrakaf, Meng, and Hapana Semehe attacked. Many dragons living in the rebuilt city of Shadonia were slaughtered in the vicious attack. Jas and Harry, two of the adventurers, joined with Chernebog to fight them off, but not after much damage was done. Jas took possession of the light-filled phoenix blade and cloak, while Kyreija took the shadowy ones. The blades and cloaks contain immense power, both for light and for shadow. Then the group had to deal with the Walkers who found their way into the College of All Magic’s new home in the dream realm. Briefly, the teddy bear archmage Power was first possessed by a Walker, then Thrakaf the Nightwalker, but they managed to save him and repel the Walkers. They learned that the creatures moved through ley lines, and were growing more numerous by the day. As they journeyed north, they saw more and more Walkers, until they reached a line of white obelisks. By the time they arrived there, they had called upon all their allies that they could reach. Houses Tiger, Jade, and Phoenix all sent battalions, as did the Summerlands and the Clans. The remainder of the Adamantium Guard came as well, along with members of various organizations and groups that would be affected by the Walkers. The resulting army was able to contain the menace at the line of stones, but the effort was taking a heavy toll. The adventurers had to stop the Walkers at the source. After crossing the line of white obelisks, they entered a vicious war zone, but were able to make their way to the lich who was summoning the Walkers. Furthermore, he possessed a shard of the Shadonian shadow wells, and was using that to power his magic. The brave heroes were able to cause a massive explosion, bringing down the cave around him, but his defeat came with a price. Only one of the group, Ethan, returned to civilization. Harry had been transformed into the Lord of Ice, an ice lich; Jas sprouted white fiery wings and assumed the aspect of a light-filled paladin, courtesy of his phoenix blade and cloak; Kyreija turned completely shadowy; and Acunroo died.

New Krav Leader
In a stunning turn of events, the Krav Mercenaries have a new leader: Kyreija, formerly one of the most light-filled adventurers in the world. When she got ahold of the shadow-tainted phoenix blade and cloak, she began to be corrupted. Then, when she cornered Meng in front of all the Krav last week, she proved that she could be the leader the feared mercenary crew wants. Though Meng was not killed, due to her use of brute toughness and some assistance from Thrakaf, she was defeated, and the Krav accepted Kyreija as their new leader. With her wings of black fire and dark flaming blade, she presents a fearsome sight.
Queen Isabella Saved
Queen Isabella rules over beautiful Lorrance, one of the kingdoms of the Kingdom of Dawn. During the annual Flower Festival in Elzbetta, she was attacked by assassins wielding blades coated in the deadly Necron poison. Though Captain D’Artagnan of the Swashkateers defended her bravely, one of the assassins managed to scratch her with a knife before fleeing. A group of adventurers at the Flower Festival witnessed the attack, and accepted Queen Isabella’s last request: help Lorrance. They immediately began a search for the fabled Elixir of Indigold, the only thing capable of reversing the effects of Necron poison. Alchemist Losif Gorbichov was reputed to be an expert on the elixir, but he had vanished. With the help of his apprentice, Bim, the adventurers used his notes to find the ingredients necessary for the Elixir. In the process, they found him being held captive by Nyn Assassins, the same people who tried to murder Queen Isabella, as well as Reneaux, the Vice Captain of the Swashkateers. After rescuing Gorbichov, the adventurers returned to Elzbetta only to find that it had been taken over by the Eye of Seville, Queen Isabella’s trusted advisor and the leader of the Nyn. What was worse, Captain D’Artagnan was about to be executed! The brave heroes rescued him and defeated the Eye of Seville, freeing Lorrance and giving Queen Isabella the Elixir of Indigold. Thanks to these courageous adventurers, she is safe and ready to rule Lorrance again.