Thursday, May 8, 2014


July 2011

Rulers Rescued from the Oblivion of the Void!

Even while Shadonia seems to be struggling against the forces of Light, new threats have emerged... no thanks to the Voidmaster!
Tidings and Rumors, Week Four 
Report by Emily Randall

The Truth of Lady Silver
Lady Silver used to be a powerful pirate captain who ruled the seas around the Pirate Islands, until she disappeared.  A song was written about her, but apparently few people knew the full lyrics.  A group of adventurers discovered that the song known by many was not actually complete, and set out to find the rest of the story.  They realized that Lady Silver had, for many years, sought out seven silver circlets that had strange magical properties.  The group found those circlets, which Lady Silver had given to each of the captains of her fleet.  Using those circlets, the Questers were able to release the devaof a volcano on the Pirate Islands and finally discover exactly why Lady Silver had vanished.  She had, in fact, merged herself with the volcanic deva!  The adventurers were richly rewarded for their discovery.

Lord FuzzyPoof Found
A band of adventures reported that they found Fuzzy, the lord of all fuzzypoofs.  He is a gigantic fuzzypoof, as big as a cloud, who floats around in the sky.  The adventurers suspect that he may be more powerful than an ordinary fuzzypoof.

Isitus Society Destroyed
The Inner Council of the Isitus Society, a society founded to protect the Light, was meeting last week to discuss the serious problems threatening Orania when they were attacked.  The Dark Man appeared in the middle of the council and, according to eye-witnesses, absorbed the dreams of the dragon Isitus.  Some also say that he absorbed Kiki, Berto’s friend.  Then the Dark Man slashed open a portal to the Void, allowing the Voidmaster and thousands of Void Drek to nearly annihilate the Inner Council.  Dororo the Assassin is the only one who survived.  He now bears the Unicorn Spear, and says that he is trying to rebuild the society.  “If you are Light-filled and want to fight the Shadowy threats that may soon engulf our world, you are welcome here!” he announced.  Some say that Isitus, as he lay dying, told a group of adventurers that there was a seed of Light planted in one of the remaining Shadonian Lords.  An 8-yr-old boy told us that those adventurers then traveled through the dreams of each Lord, and finally found the spark of Light in Chernebog!

Black Rose Dying
The Guild of the Black Rose has for many years been the premiere guild of undead hunters.  But, since their startling revelation several weeks ago, many people have wondered what their true purpose is.  Shane, a citizen of the Kingdom of Dawn, told reporters, “If they’re undead, how can we trust them?  They’ve been lying to us for decades!”  The Noble Edict, created by Purge, the Arcanister of the Healing branch of the College of All  Magic, was supposed to solve the problem of distinguishing Light-filled undead from Shadowy undead.  Yet the Noble Edict has not prevented the disappearance of top-ranking members of the Guild of the Black Rose.  Some, who prefer to remain unnamed, say that those who disappear must have secretly been Shadowy.  But others worry that the fight against Shadowy undead has become a hunt of all undead.

Tidings and Rumors, Week Five
Report by Emily Randall

Bazaar Rescued from Krov
     The Risen Lands Bazaar is known throughout the lands as a place where anything can be bought or sold, for the right price.  It is held in neutral territory, in the Risen Lands near the College of All Magic.  This time, two captains of the guard were hired: a Krov Mercenary and a Clansman from the Deva Teeth mountains.  Eventually, the tension between them escalated into an all-out battle.  That’s when the rest of the Krov attacked.  They were driven back by the bold heroes at the Bazaar, but not easily.  What is Empress Meng trying to imply?  It is rare that her Krov are defeated, even if it is not the entire army.  But they were defeated both at the Bazaar and at the Red Citadel a few days before.  Several Shadonian Lords have already perished.  Is Meng losing her power, too?  The balance of power in Orania is shifting.  Who knows what our world will look like when it is done.

Noble Edict Changed
     The Noble Edict was written to ask all Light-filled undead to be registered and to bear a mark as proof of their Light, so that the Shadowy undead could be destroyed safely.  Now, it says, “All undead must be obliterated on sight.”  Vex, a top supporter of the Edict, explains, “We don’t have time to distinguish between Light-filled and Shadowy undead anymore.  The undead are simply too dangerous.  We must stop the menace, now!”  Undead, beware!  Many people support the Noble Edict, believing that it will stop the destruction undead often cause.  They may be correct.

Red Citadel Saved
     The Red Citadel, a fortress in the Deva Teeth mountains, was rescued last week by a band of noble adventurers.  It had been besieged by several different groups, including the Krov Mercenaries, and labored under a harsh, tyrannical ruler who treated his people like dirt.  A band of “Pelovians,” exiles thrown in the Citadel’s underground prisons, planned a revolt, but did not have the strength to execute it without outside assistance.  The adventurers brought a relief army to the Citadel, drove away the attackers circling outside its walls, and freed the people from their unjust ruler.  To do so, they woke the gigantic stone elementals that were part of the Citadel, winning their aid in the battle.  Now, the Red Citadel has a new ruler, and can once again stand strong against the forces of Shadow.

Tidings and Rumors, Week Six
Report by Emily Randall

Chaos Unleashed
     In the Empire of the Seven Stars, chaos creatures ravaged the land last week, creating havoc and destroying livelihoods.  An ancient chaos dragon who had been trapped in the Dream Realm for centuries broke free when the bonds of his prison were weakened by the death of Thrakaf the Nightwalker.  It appears that the Nightwalker had maintained parts of the Dream Realm in a form of stasis, not allowing anything to change unless he willed it.  But when he died, the realm returned to its normal state, freeing the dragon.  It also freed many creatures that were previously only found in legend, infusing them with chaos and letting them roam where they wanted.  Finally, these horrors, including the dragon, were forced back into their prisons by a band of Light-filled adventurers.  They found five elemental artifacts that channeled the power of one element each, and used them to reseal the walls of the prison that had contained the dragon for millennia.  House Serpent was destroyed in the battle.

Unrest Growing
     Lin Chu Hao, the regent of the Empire of the Seven Stars, declared last week that all peasants must pay a second tax on their earnings.  This declaration is just one of many that has been passed since Lin Chu Haotook over the Empire.  As Master Kastagire remains incapacitated, Lin Chu Hao consolidates her power and reshapes the Empire.  Her changes are nearly universally hated.  She has instituted policies that forbid travel to different merchant houses, that increase taxes, and that create more censorship than ever before.  She says that the Empire of the Seven Stars will regain its rightful “Place in the Sun,” but her reforms do not seem to help the country.  Instead, they infuriate the populace and bring all wealth directly to the Imperial Palace.  Even some powerful merchants have protested the reforms.  But many who speak out simply disappear.

Attempted Assassination
     Several days ago, tinkered explosives began destroying major buildings in Solaris.  No one knew who set them, or why they were going off.  A group of adventurers was seen near many of the explosions, but could not be caught.  They included among their number a werewolf, a vampire, an Adamantium Guard named Dracolord, and a water elemental called Kirby, as well as others.  Many feared that this group had gone rogue, and were trying to assassinate High King Pellinore, using weapons bought from Ragnar, the so-called Merchant of Chaos.  A note was even found, saying that “Pellinore will die in 24 hours.”  This thankfully was proven to be untrue, due to the bravery of the band of adventurers described above.  Although the headquarters of the Adamantium Guard, the Parliament building, and many other important locations were destroyed, the High King survived.  No one has been able to say what exactly happened, or how these explosives were planted, although most sources believe that Ragnar did play a major role.  We owe a debt to the courageous adventurers who prevented the explosion of many of the weapons, and thereby saved our city.

Tidings and Rumors, Week Seven 
Report by Emily Randall

Oblivion Storm Obliterated
     Deep in the heart of the Penumbra, a magical cataclysm of deadly proportions set in motion a terrifying oblivion storm last week that destroyed everything it contacted.  A boiling cloud of red and black, it was expanding rapidly, threatening to engulf the entire world.  A time mage named Clockson announced that, if the heroes summoned to find their leaders could not do anything, all of Thael would be destroyed.  The heroes fought valiantly, and came up with ways to slow the storm down, but they could not defeat the eight generals of the Voidmaster.  These avatars of the Void had been released when the oblivion storm was created, and refused to return to their prisons.  They opposed the adventures with all of their formidable power.  Just when all hope seemed lost, Zyrathrin, a powerful mage, remembered the lore of the Voidbane blades.  Once found, these blades were the only things that could truly harm the avatars.  The adventurers used the blades to defeat the generals, thus destroying the oblivion storm and severely weakening the Voidmaster.  Witnesses report that, during the final battle, the Voidmaster’s mask cracked and shattered, and she disappeared in a gigantic explosion of Void.

Lost Heroes Returned
     Long ago, the Voidmaster corrupted eight heroes of the Light, transforming them into avatars of Void and darkness. When the oblivion storm broke loose, the avatars, the Void generals, were freed as well.  They began wreaking havoc and destroying the adventurers who tried to stop the storm.  But these adventurers found the Voidbane blades, and prepared to drive them back.  That was when a Void Phoenix, released at the same time as the world leaders, told the Questers the full story.  Ice, a dragon-elemental lady who commanded water, stole spirits because she was so lonely, and believed that death was better than a life of pain.  Rac Nightshade, a poison master, never got to hold his infant son, and just wanted to touch another living being: unfortunately, his hands were coated in death poison.  Creed was an undead hunter who, under the Voidmaster’s control, had been forcibly turned into a powerful undead monstrosity.  And the Cartographer simply wanted to map the entire world, including the ever-changing Void.  These four were returned to the Light, becoming heroes again.  The other four were destroyed, for they could not be healed.

World Leaders Rescued
     A week ago, many world leaders were called to the Penumbra by Lord Degamesian, the Sable Elf leader of the Dark Knot.  He requested the meeting supposedly to discuss the threats facing the world, but mainly as a ploy to further his own political gain.  Although he did not intend to capture the leaders, they never returned from the meeting, having been sucked into the oblivion storm.  Groups of adventurers were sent out from every country and organization who had lost a leader, and told to discover what had happened. The discovery was much more complex than originally anticipated, but in the end the leaders were recovered.  King Pellinore, Talking Stone, Lady Elinore, and even Ashida Takeki, the Shadonian assassin, were released from an orb that the adventurers reconstructed, the Orb of Oblivion.  Surprisingly, although many groups who sent envoys were deadly enemies of one another, they worked in relative harmony to free their leaders.

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