Master Kastagire Found
The former emperor of the Empire of the Seven Stars has resurfaced after more than five years of absence. When he was stabbed by a poisoned dagger, many assumed that he would never recover. Lin Chu Hao’s confirmation as empress seemed to confirm those assumptions. But now he is back, still recognizably himself and wielding essence magic. A representative from the merchant houses at the most recent Bazaar told our correspondent that his presence could destabilize the upcoming “elections” in the Empire. These elections are, according to sources, mainly a formality, as the empress is “chosen by the devas to lead the Empire.” The only two rulers who lost the vote in the past were frauds who had gained the throne through trickery and guile. Or so the spokespeople for Empress Lin Chu Hao explain. But the presence of another legitimate claimant to the throne could pose a problem for the Empress, no matter how much support she has from the devas. Kastagire himself certainly has enough power to cause trouble if he wanted to do so, and he appears entirely devoted to the well-being of the Empire. When a spy for Lin Chu Hao was caught, and refused to reveal information, he spoke casually of killing her and getting information from her revitalized corpse. And his fight against the Shadow Dragon proved how strong his powers truly are. The merchant houses’ reaction to his presence will need close attention. Because of him, Lin Chu Hao may not be Empress for long.
Dragons Gain Shadow Shard
As is becoming more and more common, the Shadow Dragons attacked again, this time during the Bazaar. But, unlike previous attacks, the dragons had a clear goal and a clear leader. Their aim was to get possession of a shadowy shard found by a group of adventurers. Rumor has it that this shard was once a part of the shadow wells of Shadonia. Even if that is not the case, it still contains vast amounts of shadowy energy, a rich treat for the Shadow Dragons. Though most of these monsters were driven off, their leader remained, and took control of the shard. Nothing that anyone could do could hurt it, until Master Kastagire stepped into the battle. He fought the Shadow Dragon for nearly twenty minutes, trying to get to the shard, which was embedded in the creature’s body. But even his talents were not enough. Finally, he lay underneath the Shadow Dragon’s claws, barely keeping them off. That was when the archdeva of the moon, Moon Kami arrived. She banished the Shadow Dragon, still with the shard embedded in its chest, and saved the Bazaar and Master Kastagire.
Adventurers Prove Bravery
It is rare that this paper will include individual deeds of heroism, as so many people act in amazing ways and we simply cannot include everything. But this act seemed especially light-filled and deserving of recognition. A band of adventurers were fighting monsters in close quarters, and struggling, when one of them, Kuzan, used a firestorm to incinerate their enemies. Unfortunately, the conflagration grew out of control, and began consuming the adventurers as well. Aeonvikoris used Guardian Block to save Haunter and Gor, two of the healers of his party. Though he was melted to ash doing so, they survived. Using a back-to-back healing burst, they rescued the rest of the group, but could not restore Aeonvikoris. Master Kastagire, however, could. He shaped essences to form the ashes of Aeonvikoris into a new body, one with the weaknesses of an undead but the benefits of metal skin and instantaneous regeneration with corrupted life essence. A fitting reward for such a brave deed.

1,000 Youkai Parade Successful
Every 100 years, the archdeva of the moon, Moon Kami, draws closer to the earth and, for a short period of time, manifests itself in a physical form. But it can be either Good Moon or Bad Moon, bringing 100 years of benevolence or 100 years of chaos and shadow. The 1,000 Youkai Parade is meant to ensure that Moon Kami only shows itself in its benevolent form. The Youkai, generally harmless beings, similar to fae, from the Empire of the Seven Stars, use mirrors to light the moon deva’s path to earth in the parade. But this time, a samurai named Souma was determined to stop the parade and bring Moon Kami to earth as Bad Moon. A group of adventurers discovered Souma’s plot, and, after many trials, stopped him. When the parade happened, they participated in the ritual and brought Moon Kami down to earth safely. Just in time to stop the rampaging Shadow Dragon! This paper would like to thank all the courageous heroes who took part in the effort to ensure that the next hundred years are not tainted by malevolent chaos.

Festival of the Moon
Despite strange disturbances, the Festival of the Moon in the village Dakmor went off without any major problems, renewing the village’s ties to the leylines. Every 36 years, a lunar eclipse over Dakmor forces all the leylines from the Kingdom of Dawn to coalesce around the village, and the festival celebrates this strange event. During the festival, House Alzari, a supposedly defunct noble house of the Kingdom of Dawn, showed itself to be revived under Irik Alzari, last surviving member of the Alzari family. He was born in Dakmor, and according to our sources was pleased to return to the village of his birth at such a momentous time. A mask-seller at the festival described it as “a joyous event, a coincidence of course, but a welcome one.”
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